As big thankyou for pushing this little tribute to the great Brent Mason, I've met some of your requests and put up the main riff to the tune.
This is a great little hybrid picking workout as you alternate between the pick and fingers constantly so take it slow and work on building up those calluses.
Lydian Dominant Lick in Dolemite
This is less of a lesson and more just a transcribed lick from a youtube video as I had some comments on the colour I played at 4:06 - It's the trusty Lydian Dominant sound, so I'm treating the D7 as a D7#11 and I start the bar by hitting the #11 (G#) - I love this sound!
Cee Lo Green - Forget You/ Fuck You
Above is a transcription of the guitar part as it appears on the record. I have included the correct picking strokes to help your accuracy. Below is the same idea but with a constant 16th note strumming pattern, this should help illustrate why the picking directions given above are the most logical. This is demonstrated using just the first Cmaj triad.
The last two diagrams demonstrate the triad shapes within their parent form and each triad's inversion along the neck on the first set of of strings.
Pentatonic Substitutions
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